The Amazon region, famous for the Kuélap Fortress and the Gocta Waterfall; surrounded by lush nature, a journey into history with its archaeological sites.
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- Cable car
Chachapoyas, Peru
Fortress of Kuelap full day
8 HoursUS$ 48.00 - Ticket
Chachapoyas, Peru
Tour to Gocta Waterfall
8 HoursUS$ 30.00 - Ticket
Chachapoyas, Peru
Sarcófagos de Karajía y Cavernas de Quiocta
8 HoursUS$ 40.00 - Ticket
Chachapoyas, Peru
Mausoleos de Revash y museo de Leymebamba
9 HoursUS$ 54.00 - Ticket
Chachapoyas, Peru
Tour a los Miradores y Cañón del Sonche
5 HoursUS$ 27.00